Jak umýt motorku: Tipy a triky

V dnešní době je automatická pračka jedním z nejdůležitějších spotřebičů v domácnostech. Pokud se vaše pračka dostala do stavu, kdy se při praní třese nebo má nevyvážený bubínek, může to být velký problém. S tím však nemusíte bojovat sami, ve článcích v češtině najdete mnoho užitečných rad a návodů na opravu nevyvážené pračky. Níže najdete několik titulů, které vám mohou pomoci vyřešit tento problém.
How to Fix an Unbalanced Washing Machine: Tips and Tricks

When your washing machine starts to shake and vibrate during the spin cycle, it’s a sign of an unbalanced machine. This can be frustrating and lead to poor washing results. However, fixing an unbalanced washing machine is easy and doesn’t necessarily require the help of a professional. In this article, we’ll walk you through some tips and tricks for how to balance your machine correctly.

1. Check the Load Size
The first thing you should do when your washing machine is unbalanced is to check the load size. If you overload the machine with too many clothes, it will be difficult for the drum to spin properly, leading to both a shaking machine and poor washing results. Generally, the rule of thumb is to only fill the drum around three-quarters of the way full.

2. Check the Feet
Another common culprit when it comes to an unbalanced washing machine is the feet. If the machine is not leveled, it can cause the machine to shake and vibrate excessively during the spin cycle. To check if the machine is properly leveled, place a spirit level on top of the machine. If the machine is not leveled, adjust the feet until the bubble is in the center of the level.

3. Check the Load Distribution
A balanced washing machine relies heavily on the distribution of the load. If you notice that your machine is unbalanced, stop the cycle and redistribute the load. Make sure that the heavier items are evenly distributed around the drum, and avoid putting all the heavy items on one side.

4. Check the Drum Suspension
The drum suspension is a component that helps to absorb the vibration of your washing machine. If it’s faulty, it can lead to excessive vibration and an unbalanced machine. To check the drum’s suspension, put a load of laundry in the machine and start a cycle. If the drum appears to be moving excessively, you may need to replace the suspension.

5. Check the Shock Absorbers
Shock absorbers are another critical component that helps to absorb the vibration of your washing machine. If these are damaged or worn out, your machine will vibrate excessively and be unbalanced. To check your shock absorbers, remove the back panel of your machine and inspect the absorbers for any visible signs of damage. If they appear to be faulty, it’s best to replace them.

In conclusion, fixing an unbalanced washing machine is relatively simple if you know what to look out for. By checking the load size, feet, load distribution, drum suspension, and shock absorbers, you can balance your machine correctly and improve washing efficiency. If you’re unsure, always contact a qualified professional technician who specializes in washing machines.

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