Jak efektivně vyčistit povrch z Corianu

Jak často by měl být pes pročištěn v uších? Je to jedna z nejčastějších otázek, kterou majitelé psů kladou veterinářům. Dostatečná údržba uší je důležitá pro zdraví a pohodu vašeho mazlíčka. V tomto článku si přečtete, jak často je potřeba uši vašeho psa čistit, jak to správně provést a jaké příznaky by vás měly upozornit, že je čas navštívit veterináře.
The health and hygiene of your furry friend is important, and one aspect of caring for your dog includes cleaning their ears. But the question arises, how often should you clean your dog’s ears? In this article, we will answer this question and provide helpful tips and tricks on how to safely and effectively clean your dog’s ears.

Jak často čistit uši u psa?

It is recommended to clean your dog’s ears once a month as a general guideline. However, some breeds of dogs may require more frequent cleaning due to their specific ear anatomy or susceptibility to ear infections. Dogs that have floppy ears, such as the Basset Hound or Cocker Spaniel, are more prone to ear infections and should have their ears cleaned more frequently. In contrast, dogs that have ears that stand up, such as the German Shepherd, may require less frequent cleanings.

Jaké příznaky naznačují, že je třeba psu uši vyčistit?

It is important to keep an eye out for signs that your dog needs their ears cleaned. Some common indications that your dog’s ears need attention include:

  • Excessive scratching or rubbing of the ears
  • Foul odor coming from the ears
  • Redness, swelling, or discharge from the ears
  • Shaking of the head or tilting it to one side
  • Loss of balance or coordination

    If you notice any of these symptoms, it is best to take your dog to the vet to investigate the cause of the issue. In some cases, these symptoms may be indicative of an ear infection or other underlying health condition.

    Jak správně čistit uši u psa?

    Cleaning your dog’s ears at home can be a simple process when done correctly. Here are some steps to follow for safe and effective ear cleaning:

  • First, gather the necessary supplies, including ear cleaning solution, cotton balls, and treats to reward your dog.
  • Next, start by petting and reassuring your dog to help them relax and feel comfortable during the cleaning.
  • Then, apply a few drops of ear cleaning solution to the inside of your dog’s ear, being sure not to insert the dropper too far into the ear canal.
  • Massage the base of your dog’s ear to help distribute the cleaning solution throughout the ear canal.
  • Use a cotton ball to gently wipe away any excess cleaning solution and debris from the visible part of the ear.
  • Offer your dog a treat and provide praise to let them know they did a great job.

    It is essential not to use Q-tips or other items to clean your dog’s ears, as these can cause damage to the ear canal or push debris further into the ear. If you are unsure of how to clean your dog’s ears or notice any discomfort during the cleaning process, it is best to consult with your vet for guidance.

    Jaké jsou nejčastější chyby, kterých se majitelé dopouštějí při čištění uši u psů?

    Despite best intentions, some dog owners make mistakes when attempting to clean their dog’s ears. Here are some common errors to avoid:

  • Cleaning too frequently, which can lead to disrupted natural ear flora or irritation
  • Using inappropriate cleaning solutions, such as alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, which can cause damage to the ear canal
  • Applying too much pressure when cleaning, which can cause discomfort or push debris further into the ear
  • Failing to reward and reassure your dog during the cleaning process, which can make them more anxious next time.


    In conclusion, cleaning your dog’s ears once a month is a good practice, but it is essential to watch for signs that your dog’s ears need extra attention. When cleaning your dog’s ears, follow the proper procedure, avoid common mistakes, and most importantly, prioritize your dog’s comfort and well-being. A little effort and care go a long way in keeping your faithful companion healthy and happy.

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