Jak vyčistit vanu bez škrábání

V každodenním péči o ústní hygienu by nemělo chybět ani používání jazykového škrabátka. Tento malý nástroj dokáže odstranit bakterie a nečistoty, které se hromadí na jazyku a mohou způsobovat nepříjemný zápach z úst. Nicméně, jaký je správný způsob použití jazykového škrabátka a jak ho čistit, aby byl hygienický a účinný? V tomto článku se zaměříme právě na tento téma.


Jazykový škrabátko is a device used to clean the tongue. It is essential to maintain good oral hygiene, as it helps to remove bacteria and other irritants that accumulate on the tongue’s surface. Proper cleaning of the tongue scraper is essential to prevent the transfer of bacteria from one person to another. In this article, we will discuss how to clean jazykový škrabátko correctly.

Why is it important to clean the tongue scraper regularly?

Tongue cleaning is becoming an integral part of people’s daily oral hygiene practices. Cleaning the tongue scraper correctly is essential to maintain the cleanliness and effectiveness of the device. If a tongue scraper is not cleaned adequately, it may become a breeding ground for bacteria, causing foul odors and other oral health problems.

Cleaning jazykový škrabátko helps in the following ways:

• Removes bacteria, dead cells, and other debris from the tongue.

• Prevents bad breath and other oral hygiene problems.

• Increases the effectiveness of the tongue scraper.

• Helps to maintain the longevity of the tongue scraper.

Now that we know how crucial it is to clean jazykový škrabátko regularly, let’s dive into the steps to clean the device correctly.

Steps to clean jazykový škrabátko

Step 1: Rinse the tongue scraper under running water.

After every use, rinse your tongue scraper thoroughly under running water. This will help remove any residue or debris that may be left on the device.

Step 2: Use a toothbrush to clean the tongue scraper.

Using a soft-bristled toothbrush, gently scrub the tongue scraper to remove any remaining debris. Make sure to clean all sides of the device, including the edges and the handle.

Step 3: Disinfect the tongue scraper.

Disinfect the tongue scraper by soaking it in a solution of rubbing alcohol or mouthwash for 10-15 minutes. This will help kill any bacteria that may be present on the device.

Step 4: Rinse the tongue scraper thoroughly.

After disinfecting the tongue scraper, rinse it thoroughly under running water to remove any disinfectant solution. Make sure to rinse all sides of the device.

Step 5: Dry the tongue scraper.

Finally, dry the tongue scraper completely before storing it. You can use a towel or let it air dry. Make sure that the tongue scraper is completely dry before storing it to prevent the growth of bacteria.

Tips for maintaining jazykový škrabátko

• Clean your tongue scraper after every use.

• Disinfect the tongue scraper at least once a week.

• Store the tongue scraper in a clean and dry place.

• Replace the tongue scraper every six months.


Cleaning jazykový škrabátko is an essential part of maintaining good oral hygiene. By following the steps mentioned in this article, you can ensure that your tongue scraper is always clean and effective. Remember to clean your tongue scraper after every use, disinfect it regularly, and store it in a clean and dry place. By taking care of your tongue scraper, you can prevent bad breath, maintain oral hygiene, and promote overall health.

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