Jak se zbavit akné během noci

Jak vymazat historii hovorů na iPhone? Pokud si často voláte a chcete udržet svoje soukromí, mohou být vaše hovory zaznamenány v historii na vašem iPhone. Tato funkce může být užitečná pro uchování kontaktů a snadné volání, ale může také vést k nechtěnému sdílení vašich osobních záznamů s ostatními lidmi. Proto je důležité vědět, jak můžete svou historii hovorů na svém iPhone vymazat, aby vaše soukromí zůstalo chráněno. V tomto článku vám ukážeme, jak můžete snadno a rychle vymazat historii hovorů na iPhone.

How to delete call history on iPhone?

If you are a regular user of the iPhone, you must be aware of the call history feature that allows you to view all your past calls. Although the call history feature is interesting, it can be a double-edged sword at times. For example, in case you want to lend your phone to someone else, you might not want them to see your call history. Moreover, having a cluttered call history can adversely affect your phone’s overall performance. That is why it is important to learn how to delete call history on iPhone.

Steps to deleting call history on iPhone

To learn how to delete call history on iPhone, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Open the Phone app

The first step to deleting your call history is to open the Phone app. The Phone app is generally located on the home screen of your iPhone.

Step 2: Tap on the Recents tab

Once you open the Phone application, select the Recents tab to access your call history. The Recents tab will display all the calls you have made or received on your iPhone.

Step 3: Swipe left on the call you want to delete

To delete a single call, swipe left on the respective call. When you swipe left, a red “Delete” button will appear. Tap on this button to delete the call.

Step 4: Tap on “Clear” to remove all call history

If you want to delete your entire call history, tap on the “Edit” button located at the top right corner of the Recents tab. After selecting the “Edit” button, you will notice that red minus signs appear next to each call. Tap on these signs to delete the call. Once you have selected all the calls you want to delete, you can proceed to clear your entire call history. To clear your call history, select “Clear” located at the bottom left corner of the screen.

Why should you delete call history on iPhone?

There are several benefits to deleting call history from your iPhone. Some of the key reasons why you should consider deleting call history on iPhone include:


Call history is personal information. Leaving it exposed to others is a breach of your privacy. You might have received sensitive calls that you do not want others to know about, and deleting your call history will help you keep your private information under wraps.

Free up space:

Your call history also takes up space on your iPhone. Deleting call history will help you free up some space on your iPhone, which can help to optimize the performance of your phone.


Deleting call history on iPhone is an essential task that everyone should know. It is particularly important if you want to keep your personal information safe and free up space on your iPhone. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can easily clear your entire call history or delete individual calls on your iPhone.

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