Jak čistit červenou řepu: nejlepší tipy a triky

Již od pradávna byl sex součástí lidského života a jeho význam a role se vyvíjely po celou historii lidstva. Ať už je považován za intimní potěšení nebo důležitou součást reprodukce, sex má významné místo v našich životech. V dnešní době jsou sexuální vztahy stále více otevřené a diskutované téma a mnoho kultur včetně české již odmítá tabuizaci cílené na sexuální otázky. Tento článek se bude věnovat sexu a jeho roli v české kultuře.

Exploring Sex in the Czech Language

Sex is a taboo topic that is often overlooked in many cultures across the world. However, in the Czech Republic, the topic is approached differently. Sex education is mandatory in Czech schools, and many people are open and comfortable discussing it.

In this article, we will explore sex in the Czech language, including conversation starters, phrases, and common euphemisms.

Conversation Starters

Starting a conversation about sex can be awkward in any language. However, in the Czech Republic, it is relatively easy to approach the topic. Here are some conversation starters to use:

  • Co si myslíš o sexu? – What do you think about sex?
  • Máte nějaké zkušenosti se sexem? – Do you have any experience with sex?
  • Někdy sis nevymyslel nějaké neobvyklé sexuální fantazie? – Have you ever come up with any unusual sexual fantasies?

Phrases for Sexual Intercourse

Sexual intercourse is a standard term, but there are other phrases used in the Czech language. Here are some examples:

  • Mít sex – To have sex
  • Spát se s někým -To sleep with someone
  • Lézt na někoho – To get on somebody
  • Dělat to – To do it

Common Euphemisms

Euphemisms are common in any language when it comes to sex. The Czech language is no exception. Here are some examples:

  • Kroutit bačkory – To twist clogs (refers to a sexual pose)
  • Házet klacky do pustiny – To throw sticks in wilderness (refers to masturbation)
  • Sedět na polštáři – To sit on a cushion (refers to a sexual act with a woman on top)
  • Nestůj, Ulev mi – Don’t stand, relieve me (refers to oral sex)


In conclusion, discussing sex in the Czech Republic is not as taboo as it is in other cultures. The Czech language has many phrases and euphemisms that make it easy to talk about sex. However, it is essential to note that like any conversation, consent should be respected, and both parties must be comfortable with the discussion. So, if you ever find yourself in a conversation about sex in the Czech Republic, use these phrases and euphemisms with care and respect.

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